
Friday, February 23, 2018

What tools do technical writers use and prefer?

As translators we have to deal with the work of technical writers, but apart from some obvious programs (like MS Word), we often don'know the tools that technical writers use in their work. For a look at what tools technical writers prefer, see Technical Writing Tools: The Ultimate Choice of 83 Experts.

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Infographic: Software Tools for Translation

I'm currently developing a course on CAT tools for the University College of Denver University.
I find mind mapping useful to generate and organize my ideas, so I created a mind map of the kind of software tools used by translators - CAT tools, of course, but also other types of tools, from those that help us manage our projects, to those we use for more specific tasks.

I asked Jost Zetzsche to take a look at my mind map, to see if he had any suggestions about types of programs I might have forgotten or things that should be changed.

Jost gave me some suggestions, and asked for a copy of the infographic for his Tool Box Journal.

Here is a copy of the infographic:
Software Tools for Translation
Software Tools for Translation

You can click here for a larger copy of the file, and here for a downloadable pdf.

I'd appreciate any suggestion or idea for future improvements.