
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Since when is Miss Universe a charitable organization?

Every year, dozens of stunningly beautiful women take part in the Miss Universe Pageant, amid glitter and luster, sponsors and luxury.

But beauty (they tell me) is more than just skin-deep: the Miss Universe Organization must be a charitable one (although it is jointly owned by Donald Trump and NBC).

At least, this is the only explanation I can think of for the message I received yesterday from a translation company: I was asked if I were willing to interpret without pay for a full week:

My company is the official provider for interpreters to the Miss Universe Pageant and as such it is my duty to seek interpreters that would be interested in participating in the event. This year the event will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada on August 23rd. The tentative arrival date in Las Vegas is 8/16/10 and departure date from Las Vegas is 8/24/10, directly after the event. This is strictly a voluntary type assignment in the sense that the Pageant does not provide any type of monetary compensation for services. They only provide transportation […] hotel accommodations, […] per diem […] for meals [..] and […] dry cleaning […]. However […] interpreting at the Pageant is a wonderful and enriching experience. […].

I’m sorry, but while I might consider working pro bono for a worthy case (Amnesty international, for example, or the WWF), I’m not interested in working without pay for a beauty pageant.

If the Miss Universe Organization needs professional services, they should be prepared to pay professional rates. No to Peanuts!


  1. Wow. Good for you. I can't believe they would think you would interpret out of the goodness of your heart. Trump should be ashamed of himself.

  2. I don't know if it is really the Miss Universe Organization that really is unwilling to pay for services, or if it is the translation agency that contacted me, instead.

  3. They're probably exploiting many people's fascination for showbiz. Some want to work in that world (including TV, film, anything that promotes glamour and InstaCelebrity) so bad that they're willing to put up with a lot for it. Just my two cents.

  4. Lovely, lovely. Thanks for posting -- and thanks for Resisting!

  5. I wonder if they only contacted male interpreters, thinking they might be willing to work for free ;-)

  6. that is just crazy - how much money do they make out of this event? why would you volunteer for that - thanks for posting!

  7. That's outrageous. I just hope everybody they contacted reacted like you did.

  8. Yeah, right! Unbelievable request!

  9. HI,

    It's really a big question with who contacted you? whoever he is, you just did a great job, things may sound biased but it's true a lot of corrupt individuals are good for asking charity when in the first placed they have been given enough, I don't believe its the association who called you, must be one of the agency

  10. That is a horrible request. Thanks that you refused their offer.

  11. Unbelievable ! Translation is a hobby, I forgot.


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