
Friday, September 23, 2011

SDL Trados 2011

I’ve just downloaded an advanced pre-release version of Studio 2011 – although there is almost no point in installing it now, with the actual release date so close.

I’ve also received a list of the major new or improved features from Studio 2009. I’m certainly looking forward to checking out the track-changes feature, and the improved filter bar. For most languages the ability to use MS Word’s spell checker will be a big improvement over HunSpell.

Trados 2011 will finally be able to translate bilingual doc files (i.e., files created with Workbench 2007 and earlier). Bear in mind, however, that, unlike Studio 2009, Trados 2007 will not be bundled in with Studio 2011: this means that with Studio 2011 alone you won’t be able to create Trados 2007-style MS Word bilingual files – for that you’ll still need a standalone Trados 2007 installation. It will still be possible to purchase Trados 2007 as an extra with Studio 2011 – but from what I understand, you’ll have to pay extra. So, if you plan to buy Studio 2011, it might be a good idea to buy Studio 2009 now, before Studio 2011 is released: that way you’ll have Trados 2007 at no extra cost, and you’ll be able to upgrade to 2011 for free soon afterwards (do check with SDL for details, though).


  1. It's good to see new features like track changes - but why wasn't this done ten years ago?! And I am willing to bet that at its core this is the same buggy, clunky software it's always been... It's REALLY time for an end to the Trados monopoly.

  2. Your blog is very very information blog , thanks!!

  3. Hi Mark,

    I've often criticized SDL for its software here, but... what monopoly? As far as I can see, there is actually a healthy competition in the CAT market: SDL may (still) be the bigger fish out there, but there are plenty of other tools - MemoQ, DV, Wf, Across, Omega-T, Transit, Swordfish, Translation Workspace, Multicorpora, and probably several more than I cannot remember right now.

    In fact, several of the recent improvements to SDL Studio probably have been pushed by similar functions now available in competing products (I'm thinking of the track changes feature, for example, first pioneered by MemoQ, I believe).

  4. Hi! What I feel is that Trados 2011is surely going to be a hit among the mob. Since it is into translation of the bilingual doc files thereof it can be proved to be one of the most supportable software ever. And for such a reason I don’t think people will think for spending a few bucks into it.

  5. It's not just a FEW bucks thoguh... As Riccardo said, there is more competition these days, and especially MemoQ is revolutionary in many ways. So SDL have to try harder to stay leaders in the CAT translation tool market.


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