Thursday, May 10, 2007

DU Workshop - Freeware, Shareware, and Inexpensive Tools for Translators- 7/24/07 and 7/31/07

CRN 1655 - Freeware, Shareware, and
Inexpensive Tools for Translators

7/24, 7/31 - 6:00-8:00 pm

Translators often grumble about the high price of translation memory software tools, but there are many cheap (or even free) programs that can be surprisingly useful. The aim of this workshop is to introduce translators to some of the best cheap or free tools available, from full translation memory packages such as Omega-T, to a range of other tools including full-featured dictionaries and thesauri, programs used to search
glossaries, and so on. Basic computer knowledge required.

This is the second of two workshops I'll be teaching this summer at the University College of Denver University.


  1. Regarding OmegaT: if there is anyting you need to know about the recently included features do not hesitate to get in touch with me.

    Jean-Christophe Helary
    OmegaT Project

  2. I'm in a small translation bureau and we are using Deja Vu because of its functionality for small business (no need to buy a lot of licences when you can keep a TM at the office and send the translators already pre-translated files in 2-column RTF format (exported).
    Nevertheless I will be very glad to know if OmegaT or another TE program has similar functions.

  3. This looks like a really interesting session - I've not seen something like this run for translators on this side of the pond. Does the university give access to the workshop notes online or via distance learning, by any chance?



  4. Hi Sarah

    The first session of the workshop was actually canceled because of low enrollment.
    When (or if) it will be held in the future, I will probably post my notes in this blog, as I did for the course I gave last year on Foundations of Translation.


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